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Food Waste

The benefits of separating food waste:

  • Reduces pest and vermin problems – taking the food waste out of your orange bags will prevent them from being ripped open
  • Reduces nasty smells
  • Saves you money
  • More sustainable

Food Caddy

This is most suitable for businesses who don’t produce much food waste. We can provide a 35 litre food caddy with biodegradable liners, for a kerbside collection.

Food Waste - Food Caddy

35L caddy
Dimensions 510mm (H) x 320mm (D) x 400mm (W)

Wheeled Bins

For larger waste producers, we can provide wheeled bins. Due to weight restrictions, these bins can only be filled to 75% capacity.

We can also provide smaller food caddies to assist disposal.

Food Waste 240L Bin

Two wheeled container

Dimensions: 1100mm (H) x 580mm (W) x 720mm (D)

Food Waste 660L Bin

Four wheeled container

Dimensions: 1310mm (H) x 1260mm (W) x 720mm (D)

Find out what can be placed in your food waste bin

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